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Top Business Skills Idea Validation: From idea to paying customer in 1 day

Idea Validation: From idea to paying customer in 1 day

Learn how to test your business and product ideas online quickly, cheaply and easily. Make sales before you even launch!

Why did your last business or product idea fail? Maybe you think it's because you didn't have enough money, a good enough team, or you lost favor with the money gods. You're wrong. I know exactly why it failed. It failed because you didn't validate it beforehand. That's it. You're welcome.

idea validation course on ShareWis

It's not because you're not a code ninja or a marketing guru or the next Steve Jobs, it's because you screwed up and didn't pre-validate it. You did everything right but your idea was awful and you didn't even know it. So stop picking bad ideas.

This Idea Validation course has taught 1200+ students to dodge bad business ideas like bullets in The Matrix. It's packed with 8 hours of a proven techniques used by the pros and guarded by the super-secret club of business people who are better than you.

At the end of this course you'll know the deepest, darkest secrets of business validation:

  • Running qualitative feedback trials
  • Knowing your competition better than their mother (creepy)
  • Rocking lean, mean online pitch experiments
  • Some of the best free tools only the pros know about
  • The magic price that makes you the most money
  • Why you're no good at knowing if your idea is any good…even if you've built products before

Why do you need the power of "business validation"? It should be obvious, but fine:

  • Because the next time you fail a product launch or pitch a dumb idea your boss is going to hate you. Instead pitch a rockstar idea along with data that says, “I'm right and you know I'm right". Watch your boss get weak in the knees.
  • Because you want to get out of your cubicle and start living the entrepreneurial dream but, "I just have too many ideas so which one do I choose?" Validate your stuff, cut the fat, and you'll be on the beach sipping pina coladas in no time.
  • Because you want to sell new products without stabbing around in the dark until you get a winner.
  • Because you want those pro skills. Yeah, it's time to up your game.
  • Because you want to be an awesome entrepreneur that everyone is jealous of.

Nine out of ten new businesses are dead on arrival and deflate like a punctured moon bounce.
Don't be a moon bounce.

About the Instructor

Evan Kimbrell
Founder of Sprintkick | Ex-VC | Ex-startup founder

Hi, I'm Evan Kimbrell. Thanks for checking out my course.

Currently, I'm the Founder, Director of Sprintkick, a referral based full service digital agency based out of San Francisco. Over the last 4 years, I've overseen the development and launch of over 100 web and mobile apps. Clients range from 1-2 man team startups bootstrapping their initial idea, to multibillion dollar Fortune 100s like Wal-Mart, Dick's Sporting Goods, & GNC.

Previous to Sprintkick, I worked as a VC for a brand new firm called Juvo Capital, based out of L.A. I spearheaded the firms expansion into Silicon Valley deal flow and into Consumer Web tech category.

Previous to working for Juvo, in the long long ago, I was a co-founder for a educational software startup called ScholarPRO that raised a ton of money and then spectacularly blew up (in the bad way). Before it exploded like the Death Star, I went through 5 tech incubators (yes 5) with Tech Stars, Excelerate Labs, MassChallenge, Babson Venture Program, and Sparkseed.

I'm an avid AirBNB host for the Fishermans Wharf district of San Francisco. My space has the #1 search ranking for my area, has hosted over 200+ people, and is currently booking out 18 months in advance :) Over the last year I've helped multiple other hosts get their properties listed and maximize their price per night. Results range from an extra +50% in price for established hosts, and +400% for brand new hosts.

Hope you enjoy my courses!

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